ST Kilda road
(6) Best days of internship are here...
(5) Movin into ST Kilda and tasting the world of beers

Next great experience I have from meeting my new friend Natalie whose boyfriend is Roman from Czech, we just met randomly in tram. She asked me where do I come from and

(4)First Spring Weekend ´n Oz weather

But this is not all... the biggest news is I should be movin into new apartment shared with one Aussie girl that accpeted me from hundreds of applicants to be her flatmate.

On Sunday I got to soccer (football) of home Melbourne Victory, seeing biggest attendance around 35.000 in there. the stadium was still just half full :) game was quite average, ended 0:0 but we had fun.
(nyni uz se jedna o velmi volny preklad, bejt prekladatelem je udesny): Cuz, jak sem psal v minulym prispevku, tak jaro si opravdu dava nacas. Ovsem Australani si uz misty vykracuji v triku, jogguji na plazi, kde jsem prochazel ve svetru a kozeny bunde, pak prijdes do kanclu kde je asi 10 syupnu a zacnes klikat mysi a pokousis se vyprodukovat nakou energii. Takze odchod na zachod ci do kuchynky neni pouze zaminka k ulejvani se ale naprsto nutny ukon aby clovek neprimrznul k zidli a nezustal tu nadobro. Ale uz se to zlepsuje,v utery dokonce byla klima rozbita takze sem si uzival krasnych 20 :)
Po par dnech nervozity jsem se dockal potvrzeni papiru z HR(lidsky zdroje-kadrove) HQ(reditelstvi) GE (nase matecni spolecnost-kazdy zna modry logo GE Money bank a jakysi pindy o nulovych popltacich (vsak oni si na to nahrabou jinak)). takze pristi patek bych mel dostat prvni vejplatu, ktera je naprosto vcas po vycerpani mych rezerv na zalohu na ubytku.
Nejvetsi novinkou je cerstve nastehovani do novyho apartmanu s Australankou, studentkou Univerzity umeni. Nebojte se je to takovy typ kamaradky, zadna modelka, takze zasnuby nehrozi. Naopak je dost v pohode , ma tam elektrickou kytaru, bici, velkou knihovnu DVDs takze o zabavu mam postarano. Jeste predtim sem zazil martirium v podobe kontaktovani asi 10ti pronajimatelu,5 sem navstivil vcetne jakyhosi doupete, kde inzerovali pokud ti nevadi stenatko a koureni na zahrade tak dojdi- v realite mne uvitalo ve dverich odrostly stene pitbula, jinak cela predsin zahulena, pokoj smrdel jak v opicarne, holt nekdy si rikam ze tz cechz nesjou tak zaostaly ale o tom jinde... kazdopadne se na mne ustalo stesti a narazil sem na jeden inzerat s velmi dobrou cenou. Jal sem se honavstivit, tam se potkal s Frantikem, kterej na ni hazel sexy ocka aby vzala jeho ale me charisma jeho radoby sexaappeal prebilo. Takye dneska v patek sem se nastehoval stylem "kulovaho blesku"kdy sme me 4 zavazadla prevezli tramvaji (samozrejme byla plan lidi co jeli do prace, takze to byl boj myho megabatohu a nohou a obliceju kolem, ale nakonce sem vyhral, nastesti mi pomohli my kamosi z Malajsie..
Minulou nedeli sem se dostal do mistniho fotbalovyho stanku, ktery byl jen tak z pulky plny ale i to dalo 35000 lidi, takze zajimava atmosfera... Dneska zacina finalova serie sportu cislo 1 coz je zde Footy (verze ragby ale bez halem a vic se kope). Maj to udelany tak ze vetsina je z Melbourne a jen snad jedne je ze Sydney kde se hraje klasicky ragby. Tim je vyloucena naprosto kokurence regionu jako u nas... zajimavy...
(3) World of cuisine in Melbourne City

I was invited to LC meeting of AIESEC in Melbourne. The atmosphere was pretty warm, it commemorated me those marvellous LC meetings in Prague. But well telling them that I’ve been 5 years in @ had to be scary… After meeting we took a journey to Chinese Hot Pot restaurant which was supposed to be my hottest experience but God of Cuisine turned well for me cause we weren’t able to fit in 20 people and luckily found Korean restaurant which turned to one of my best cuisine memories. It’s quite easy for chefs, they just bring you big steaks and t-bones and you cook by yourself! Better said you grill n fry by yourself! We had pretty much fun, the only con is that you smell like a worker in coal power station cause it’ s done on wooden coal and the smoke just spreads everywhere, mostly into your shirt and suite...

The Saturday turned to be first Spring day for me. Finally it was pretty shinny and the temp climbed over 15degs which made me so happy. After having one of my best coffees ever (macchiatoGrande caramel in Starbucks) I went to discover Chinatown (one street, not town actually). I chose Sushi bar and Singapoore noodles. I could practice my “sticks” skill learnt thanks to Lukas and the result you can see on pics. Not bad, what do you think? Another chapter was Japanese noodles from flatmate, Aussie burger (really disgusting- have you seen

Greeting from the world of tastes!
A konecne pro anglicke nemluvy:
Tato kapitola je venovana kuchyni.Do Melbourne se doslova vejde cely svet chuti a vuni. Doposud jsem vyzkousel tyto kuchyne: malajske nudle od mych spolubydlicich na privitanou, na zacatku jsem automaticky sahul po fast foodech viz MCDonalds, Burger King, Subway, ale to jen na chvili nez jsem se zorientoval a skocil do specialit. V praci sem si dal jakysi cinsky nudle. Pak prisla bomba, kdyz sme zasli s ajsekari mistni pobocky do Korejske restiky. Tady mistni borci s varenim neresej, hodej ti na gril flakoty masa a uvar si sam. ALe je nutno dodat ze maso je vytecny a dobre nalozeny. Zazitek je opravdu nadlouho trvajici, jelikoz grilovani probiha na jakymsi typu uhliku ktere produkuji nezamenitelny smrad, nastesti skao zustalo usetreno diky schovce v aute.V sobotu poprve teplota vysplhala na jarni teplotu a bylo to skoro na triko.. Po me oblibene kave Starbucks Grande Caramel Macchiato sem vyrazil do podniku Sushi bar, kde sem vsak zvoli Singapurske nudle, kdyz uz sem ten Singapur ohledne praxe ozelel. Takze sem mohl opet oprasit svuj um jezeni hulkami. Ma to jednu velkou vyhodu, rozhodne clovek jidlo neuspecha. Proste v pohode po malejch kouscich to za cca 20 minut zbodne a je ti ok.Nejvetsi nechutnosti byl zatim paradoxne tzv. Australsky burger, ktery obsahoval vajicko a cervenou repu. po teto kombinaci mi bylo dosti blivno a jeste dalsi se ozvaly patricne nasledky... jeste ze na zachod je to z kanclu par metru... :)
(2) Prague-London-Hong Kong-Melbourne
“Don't worry about the world coming to an end today. It is already tomorrow in Australia.”
Charles M. Schulz quotes (American cartoonist)

Australian view of the world...
why not on the other hand?
people just think we are here at the end of the world but let me tell You.
This is the fuckin nice end of the world and great place to live...
So let me review how i got here...
the flight took only 28 hours including delay in Hong Kong cause of "technical or mechanical issues" as we´ve been told. Just imagine you fly on this faboullous supercool Jumbo Jet over Siberia, China and Ocean afterwards and there just happening "some" technical problems in there. Anyways I have to say that it´s been quite great experience and I even didn´t matter the length and little space...

I was picked by fellow AIESECers from the airport and arrived to warm malaysian dorms flat. Next day I didn´t already hesitate and took the trams through the City from Parkville to St Kilda suburb to look for my emloyer´s place. It didn´t take much time to discover nice AIM building with the seat of PPF, my proud employer. It´s situated in really friendly and calm suburb with nice "City "view.

We already went for beer with boss. The environment is really friendly here. I guess you definitely heard about Fridays dress code but it´s not the last thing... yep the things are going really easy here...

I´m currently getting tough training in databases and excel from my boss. During intro circle through the office my colleague just said: "Hi, this is Jacub, he´ll be taking over the job of our two mates, here soon. Welcome him in a team! "
Well good to know that one day I should be so effective to make two ladies´job... :) will see one day....
Next days are pretty set. Priority Nr. one is to find the apartnment for next 6 months in St Kilda. There´s quite big supply here, prices 200$/week which is still quite acceptable. My favourite is the one 50 m from beach situated in Beach Ave :) so will see where I end, there is still option to backpack in a tent on cricket ground in front of my emloyer´s building.
Coming from Istanbul for a week, making a trip to Vienna getting visa, checking my Koi pond in Moravia, visiting Prague for last time to say goodbye to my friends, having small high school gathering and at all saying goodbye to my awsome and always supporting family. Quite packed agenda for one week but we made it!

Well I even did some cool trainning how to carry and care about babies, hope I won´t need it soon still :P Keep them growin, Martina!
Thanks to my mum for beautiful and scandallously nice gift to my graduation-new watches Tissot. The titanium is pretty tough n heavy!
Thanks to all once more/ to whom who just dropped a line of greeting, shook hand, gave a hug, kissed and even dropped a tear. It will be saved in my heart forever.
Takze pekne cesky. Pomoci teto casti se anglicky mene gramotni mohou lehce tomuto jazyku doucit, takze jiz za par dilu mohu plynule publikovat pouze v jazyce anglickem :)
Tedy, kdy by to rekl, ze se da stihnout za jeden tyden dorazit z Istanbulu, zajet si pro viza do Vidne, omrknout rybnik v Kladkach (v prekladu Morava, kladky nemaji preklad), pozdravit
se v Praze s prateli ajsekary (resp. se opit), mit mensi tridni sraz (6 lidi total) a predevsim mit rozlucku s rodinkou, ktera mne vzdy a vsude, zistne i nezistne, hmotne (nove hodinky od maminky) i nehmotne podporovala, za coz jsem vdecny a timto i vyjadruji diky.
Vsem co si na mne vzpomneli, podali ruku, objali ci snad polibili timto dekuji a ujistuji ze nezapomenu!
(v anglictine se hovori o ukladani v srdci).
S pozdravem JG/Geg/Starosta