ST Kilda road

ST Kilda road


(24) last week updates

Life is going on in easy and normal way in Mel...

just few great news...

1)I'll be chairing ministate November planning conference in Mel.

2) I'll be CHAIR of January National Conference in Perth for 150 newies!

3) I still won't miss Australian Open on 14th Jan and 22nd

4) we got small fire in a flat when my flatmate was trapped outside the flat while cooking the pasta, luckily we got just heavy smoke in there when I cam from Gym and just had to leave opened windows for 3 days :)

5)Gym and sauna gets never boring for me :)

6) I love jogging on the beach!

7)I'll be going to Sydney from Dec 24th to Jan 1st, I'm so happy.

8) I did a great shopping on Sat... great sweat t-shirts, cool glasses and cap

9) I've been to awsome birthday party of my fellow intern Marcia,Brazilian style!

10) My favourite ice hockey team HC Pardubice are total loosers, clinched 13th out of 14 in current rankings.


(23) Sunday summer

Sunday weather turned to nasty hot and unbreathable... and the beaches got quite crowded mostly by drunk Englishmen bathing in totally clean water... I better took air conditioned gym and sea baths pool :)

Nedele uz byla prava letni... a to doslova.. vzduch byl jakysi tezky a nedychatelny, plaze byly plne, mnohdy anglany ktery se cachtali v ne docista ciste vode. Tak sem to radsi zalomil kde jinde nez ve fitku a ve slanovodnim bazenu. Vecer sem si dal morsky mix... ze pozdravuju babi, ty by se asi zvedl zaludek :P

(22) Saturday jogging

The weather is here really crazy and you never how will be next day. Sat morning turned perfect for jogging- nicely sunny with spring breeze...

In the afternoon we had great BBQ at Lucy Dodd, former MC member AUS and Brasil which turned my friend very fast :)
The Toilet rules really rulezz :)

(21) St Kilda Pier Penguins

First I went outside on Friday, I regreted.. in a blisterring wind and scorching beaches... it was really nasty and cold (around 5 degree) but at the end of St Kilda Pier I got the reward. Beautiful small penguins just hiding among rocks to take some night rest after day spent hunting seafood in the open sea.

V patek tady pocasi stalo pekne za ho*no, ale jelikoz jsem si minule precetl ze pri zapadu slunce se vracivaji tucnaci, aby zde mezi kameny na molu prenocovali, jal jsem se je navstivit. Pekne fucelo, ze sem si pripadal jako v rumunsku tenhle cervenec,kdyz nas chytla chumelenice. No bylo uz skoro videt velky prd, tak sem sem uz byl na ceste zpatky a tu sem zaslechl cosi jako vrceni. Kouknul sem se mezi kameny a tam maly tvor natahujici krk a pokousejici se v seru neco uvidet. Tak sem s dovolenim vylepsil zrak mensim bleskem, ale jinak sem je netrapil. (obzvlaste pote co sem zaslechl ze minuly rok je jisti chuligani ubili klackem...). Celkem sem zahlidl asi tri ale dle zvuku jich tam bylo urcite vic, jeste tam pry sidli vodni vydra ale ty sem nevidel...

toto je magicky lunapark, kolem ktereho kazdy vecer chodim do fitka...


(19) 3 days Gym torture... Let's get rid of extra FAT!

I managed 3 days gym torture and stayed alive :) Not talking about general workout but added running, 650 swimming and finally what my personal trainer prescribed me: I took spinning class! And here's the warning: Kids never go spinning, it's too dangerous! I felt like dying after 20 minutes of changin the rhythm from hill to max speed and male trainer screaming "I wanna see you smilling! Don't look at me like this you big guy!" talkin to me when my face was everything but not happy. Ok then he shouted :"Ok, this is over." and I thought I survived but this was just end of one session, now it became even more nasty. Spinning in stand, max speed and all with disco rhythm music. But at the end you're really happy you made it squeezing your shirt off litres of sweat. It's worth it :)

po cesku: vcera sem zakoncil svuj tridenni program ve fitku spinningem a bylo to maso! Po dvaceti minutach minutach sem chcipal, menili sme rytmus z klasickyho sedu so stoupani a do toho borec rval at se usmivame, hlavne na mne :) Pak sem myslel ze je konec, coz by bylo prave vcas, akorat ze pouze skoncila prvni cast, pak prisly rovinky na max rychlost a zase stoupaky... Ale na konci je clovek alespon uspokojen mnozstvim potu v triku a deprimovan vsemi kolem jak sou v pohode... Ale stoji to za to!


(18) Bowling blitz and Weekend beach relax

You can just guess who was best in GE Commercial Finance Bowling blitz... yes it's me. I did 164 which is not bad but all emloyees got so wasted from the free booze (beer and wine) that it was enough. I won DVD, 2 tickets for GOLD Class Village Cinemas and funny trophy :)

I challenged myself in a gym little bit: classic weightlifting workout, 5 kms run and 650 m swimming... looks like I'm getting fit :)

Pro domorodce: Kdo jiny vyhral bowlingovy turnaj nez ja... nastrekl 164 v prnim kole naq vyhru stacil jelikoz se vseci tak ozrali ze pak byli radi ze se trefili na drahu, ja samozrejme pil jen iontove napoje a sodu. vyhral sem DVD a dva listky do kina, do Gold class. Jinak sem si stanovil rekord, vedle klasicky cviceni v posilce sem dal 5 km behu na pasu a 650 m plavani... a docela sem ted v pohode...



(13) Dandenong National Park

As I wrote we've been to Dandenong National Park this Sunday and it was whatelse than amazing :) I got to know another three good friends Arno, Vincent and Mauro from Holland and Italy + Marcia from Brazil.

Check out the "must see" waterfall on right-this is called Waterfall in Oz :)

The jungle looked exactly like Jurrasic park. We enjoyed Kokoda memorial track "1000 steps" which was cool 2kms hike pretty up the hill in humidious jungle.

Luna Park near my flat

Luna Park near my flat