I managed 3 days gym torture and stayed alive :) Not talking about general workout but added running, 650 swimming and finally what my personal trainer prescribed me: I took spinning class! And here's the warning: Kids never go spinning, it's too dangerous! I felt like dying after 20 minutes of changin the rhythm from hill to max speed and male trainer screaming "I wanna see you smilling! Don't look at me like this you big guy!" talkin to me when my face was everything but not happy. Ok then he shouted :"Ok, this is over." and I thought I survived but this was just end of one session, now it became even more nasty. Spinning in stand, max speed and all with disco rhythm music. But at the end you're really happy you made it squeezing your shirt off litres of sweat. It's worth it :)
po cesku: vcera sem zakoncil svuj tridenni program ve fitku spinningem a bylo to maso! Po dvaceti minutach minutach sem chcipal, menili sme rytmus z klasickyho sedu so stoupani a do toho borec rval at se usmivame, hlavne na mne :) Pak sem myslel ze je konec, coz by bylo prave vcas, akorat ze pouze skoncila prvni cast, pak prisly rovinky na max rychlost a zase stoupaky... Ale na konci je clovek alespon uspokojen mnozstvim potu v triku a deprimovan vsemi kolem jak sou v pohode... Ale stoji to za to!
Starosto, te nepozname az se vratis. jestli budes takhle pokracovat, tak se vratis jak Brad Fitt :P :)
Pajenka Kualka Lumpurka :)
Právě jsem si prodloužila život neurvalým smíchem alespoň o jeden rok když jsem si představila, jak vstáváš a sedáš a ležíš tam vyšťavený přes řidítka, pa m.
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