ST Kilda road

ST Kilda road


(13) Dandenong National Park

As I wrote we've been to Dandenong National Park this Sunday and it was whatelse than amazing :) I got to know another three good friends Arno, Vincent and Mauro from Holland and Italy + Marcia from Brazil.

Check out the "must see" waterfall on right-this is called Waterfall in Oz :)

The jungle looked exactly like Jurrasic park. We enjoyed Kokoda memorial track "1000 steps" which was cool 2kms hike pretty up the hill in humidious jungle.

1 comment:

Starosta/Geg said...

Pokud jsi byl tak blízko, jak jsou papouši vidět, bylo by to něco pro Petra. Nemáš už jednoho doma? Pa

Luna Park near my flat

Luna Park near my flat