ST Kilda road

ST Kilda road


(7)Chocolate trip

Last week I had great meeting with FTSE member at Thai restaurant and then went to Chocolate bar (instead of drinkin beer or tougher stuff as it would be in Prague). It's funny how you suddenly meet people that you know only from virtual level. the world is small,right Dino?

aneb vecere v thai restauraci a navsteva cokoladoveho baru....hmmmmm
vynikajici bila cokolada... ne jak ty u nas z prasku, ale klasicky roztavena s mlikem...

1 comment:

Starosta/Geg said...

Čokoládové bary moc nenavštěvovat, sice vědci přišli na to, že je čokol. zdravá, ale všeho moc škodí. Zvlášť ta australská cus m.

Luna Park near my flat

Luna Park near my flat